One of the things that we love to do (ok Greg loves to do) is go to car shows. This is one of our favorites for a few reasons. One is over 5,000 cars show up at four hotels in Reno for a weeklong car show. Taking over the city is an understatement. There are many different events throughout the week from Show-N-Shine, Auctions, concerts every night with great bands, drag racing, swap meets, and more. Another reason is the people who come out to admire the cars and the owners themselves. We meet the most interesting people and have made many new friends coming to this event. Most years we bring along one of our cars to show off. This year we decided at the last minute not to bring anything with us and it was actually a lot of fun. One of our friends from Elizabeth was there too and had never experienced HAN so we became his tour guide. Plus, he brought a 1973 Capri that was fun to ride around in. Oh, and the "Hot" in Hot August Nights lives up to its name. It was hot on that parking lot asphalt. I took a bunch of pictures of unique rides to share with you.
